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About jm1220

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Huntington Station, NY

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  1. 08-09 was a pretty underrated winter IMO. Nice 10” event on 3/1 too.
  2. In Long Beach today, there's maybe one or two little piddly ice chunks left, at least on the north shore we have big ginormous ice chunks in every parking lot, street corner and my backyard! Spring will be nice when we hit 60s and the south shore is stuck in dank 40s. Hopefully it's not a bad backdoor front season.
  3. Did you move yet? I’m at about 210’ just east of Rt 110, I’m usually a little cooler in the summer as a result.
  4. There was sooner or later going to be a stretch that nailed New England, Montreal, etc. Once the SWFE train starts in a Nina winter they get hammered. I can't think of the last time a pattern like this was good at our latitude, maybe 93-94 which is a once per century type winter and also would be warmer today. We need some kind of help from the southern stream for much of our snow, northern stream dominated patterns vary between bad and horrendous for snow south of I-84 and the fast Pacific jet makes it even worse. Plenty of dry windy cold though. February was/has been decent but could've been so much better.
  5. About 0.7-0.8”. Still light snow but should be about over. So that gets me a little over 19” for the season.
  6. Wow, really coming down. Nice band in W Suffolk, maybe it’ll pivot in to Nassau. Hopefully can get an inch, maybe the 1.4” needed to get to 20” for the season.
  7. Maybe today can be our last sub-32 high. One can hope.
  8. RAP has about an inch and we’re seeing snow break out in E PA. Not expecting much but we’ll see. I need 1.4” to get to 20” on the season which takes it out of the bottom of the gutter snow wise.
  9. Temps in Norfolk are in the upper 20s in heavy snow, when those are our conditions we do the same. Problem is we’re on an island surrounded by water and we haven’t had the pattern lined up in our favor in quite some time.
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