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About Hilton01

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  1. Remember the good days years ago when snow in middle and west tn usually meant good things for east tn.. Rarely seems to happen that way anymore.
  2. Maybe we can pull off a Reddit style takeover if we all start short selling the warmth?
  3. And a nice snow hole right over mine, as always. Here in extreme west knox county I have not seen the grass covered in 2 years.
  4. Next up Happy Hour with......errrrr I mean weather with Margie.
  5. Only a very few mixed flurries and rain in extreme west knox county.
  6. Just from radar looks light there might even be at least snow in the air on the valley floor(Knoxville) when it comes though?? Thoughts?
  7. and are now only a couple few short weeks from leaving the 1/10th of the total circle/pie (ummm pie) that constitutes our season of not summer. Just think, then we once again enter the never ending other season the Tn Valley experiences; Summer! Damnit man I gotta move before it’s too late.
  8. Wxtree, I hope you do not stop posting. I enjoy reading your posts comments thoughts etc.. Very often, your posts, and the reply’s that are given, help me to better understand things. So thank you for that. We all know it is so very easy to misinterpret meaning tone intent etc. in another’s written text in these type of forums/formats and I am sure, after reading the posts, that that is all this is. So let’s all stay here keep posting be friends and get along! For if we can not do that, how can we ever expect it to snow in the Tn valley again!
  9. Today’s was felt, and heard, easily here in West knox.
  10. Meanwhile, the Tennessee Valley area, specifically Knoxville, has decided to simplify things greatly, in fact by half! From now and forevermore *** Knoxville will recognize only 2 meteorological seasons; Summer!, and not summer. For those of you sick of not summer, worry not, for Summer! can and often does begin in as few as 4 short more weeks! Note: *** forevermore meaning until it becomes necessary, because of the weather, to reinstate additional meteorological seasons, if necessary as soon as next week, (or never).
  11. “it's probably time to completely re-evaluate winter in this part of the world and assume we now have the climate of Central Gulf coast states 20 years ago.” Well said! Could not agree with this more. Hard to deny the changes that are happening, we all see them in our region (and many other regions as well for that matter).especially in winter. Climate variability, GW, just subtle changes, or maybe just an “off” climate cycle of 30 or 40 years then a switch up, who knows. But, it can not be denied, at least in the relatively, extremely short period of Earth’s history/evolution/record keeping period we call 20-30 years or maybe longer, that our regions weather has changed and will continue to do so. Unfortunately for most of us that deprives us of one of our great joys of life! Oh well, it is only a matter of time and patience until we see real snow again. I think.
  12. I get it I get. I guess I see Met/atmospheres as one of the last unknowns to man. Always wondered if a scale type model might help in some way, maybe very limited, but maybe not. I don’t know, just not sure computers are ever going to model a earff that big, atmosphere that big, both rotating, both the affected by moon and sun and countless millions of variables happening every second millions of time and there both rotating a different speeds and directions at places, and it’s tilted and that butterf... never mind I’m gonna stop there my thumb hurts. We might get better by using what we have and making it better but it only ever going to better at what purpose it serves now. I’ve long though of a physical model. Would not be easy or perfect but who knows where met might going?
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