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About BRSno

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Fort Lauderdale

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  1. Not to derail the discussion, but what was the biggest storm this season in Boston? Is this currently forecasted as the most significant yet (this season)?
  2. Don't worry eastern friends, I land in Boston right before the 18z runs and then the adjustments back east can begin
  3. That's a long answer, technically. I'm from Brazil but lived in Boston (Eastie) most of my life. I moved down to FLL where my parents live in 2019 to help them out as they age. It's been absolute torture not having winters.
  4. Glad I chose the right weekend to visit! And at the first hint of a storm I changed my return from Monday to Tuesday
  5. So tempted to push my Tuesday (1/21) flight back from Boston to Wed…
  6. Maybe I am indeed bringing the snow
  7. That sucks. I swore I would keep up with every Boston winter even after I moved away, but here I am, the sell out. I should also have clarified I meant next Friday. I don't wanna put this pressure on myself, but maybe, just maybe, could I be bringing the snow?
  8. Flying to BOS next Friday and hoping for a winter miracle to catch some snow. Haven't seen a single flake irl since 2020 and it breaks my little weenie heart. How's BOS doing for the season so far? *Edited for clarity on arrival date.
  9. I had missed this earlier but the Canadian has picked up on it. GFS is still a earlier development by comparison, but the signal is there on more than one model.
  10. GFS has been really stubborn with the end of month potential. Many consecutive runs with at least a storm forming
  11. La la land but still something to keep an eye out for
  12. Tomorrow should be an eye opening day once we see what happened along the coast
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