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Connecticut Appleman

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About Connecticut Appleman

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  • Gender
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  • Location:
    New Hartford, CT

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  1. First few flakes coming down - sky does not have the usual menacing look to it like it normally does when it means business.
  2. Died back quite a bit right now in NW CT. Hopefully comes back.
  3. Just picked up a quick 0.24 inches in a quick downpour.
  4. Wild 6-7 minutes here in New Hartford. Probably took 10 years of life off the electronics with all the power flickering, going out and coming back on. Power on here with the storm past.
  5. Green haze in the air today from pine tree pollen around here today.
  6. Pretty Awesome - cell phones do much better with aurora as compared to eclipses.
  7. Nicely here now. Clouds have cleared for the most part.
  8. The high thin clouds are obstructing it - definitely a source of light not normally there to the north but scattered by high clouds.
  9. Some clear patches here in New Hartford - looking north-northeast there is a dim glow that is not normally there - enough to make out the tree branches on the top of the tree line. I know right after I go to bed it will get interesting...
  10. Just got back from Burlington to New Hartford. Traffic for a Tuesday morning was pretty heavy, but nothing like yesterday. Absolutely nothing compares to this. Amazing seeing the wall of darkness race out of the Adirondacks across Champlain followed a couple minutes later by the wall of light doing the same. A couple of coworkers were saying that we were at 92% that should be close and I was not really sure. Glad I made the trek because this ain't like grading and exam 92% does not equal 100%. Great photos everyone - I quickly gave up and just drank it all in.
  11. I guess I'm getting old - we had t wait for Bob Steele to read out the names in the 70's on the radio every half hour. That was the only source.
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