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About moneypitmike

  • Birthday March 15

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Westborough, MA 400', Bath, ME 8'

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  1. Well here's 30 pages of posts we're not getting back.
  2. Slept through it, and was surprised to find a new 3" or so when I oot up this morning.
  3. Down to 16.9. I guess the winds to pick up here until tomorrow morning, with gusts up to 55mph.
  4. Is anyone on the Maine Coast seeing snow? Seems like that's what's happening here---really crappy flakes htough.
  5. I think it happens 3 times every winter.
  6. Just saw the p/c was calling for 30^. We topped at 22, now at 20.4 Whoops.
  7. Heavy, heavy IP with gusty winds. Too bad we can't get the upper levels to cool a little more and get some happy ending snow.
  8. It that an ice encased gypsy moth caterpillar? Temp ticked down to 21 off the 22^ high.
  9. Temp still at 22 here. We haven't budged.
  10. Remember when the Pope first joined the board and some guy went all crazy that we were calling him the Pope?
  11. Pretty boring here at Pit2. occassional bursts of sleet, but mostly nothing. HRRR shows .5" before all is said and done. We'll see. 22*
  12. I could give a crap about a patter. Jus give me a storm.
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