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About wx4life

  • Birthday 07/03/1977

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Indian Trail,NC

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  1. I hope to have a better year with my garden than last year. Had to replant twice due to too much rain. Had the most beautiful garden, but did not produce anything other than some green beans.
  2. Was there a strong/severe storm threat for today? I don't recall seeing anything about it. Had a nice thunderstorm just now.
  3. Yes! I was in east Charlotte at the time. We had 16". You're right, this was the last "big one" for Charlotte and I'm always chasing that 2004 redux dream every winter since.
  4. This was mixed in the replies. CAPS is the primary school he was at. Sounds encouraging.
  5. Some of the schools in the CMS area are being used as shelters for those evacuating the coast. Other school systems are closing around the area, but i dont know if its for the same reason or just overkill.
  6. I went to bed at 1:30 this morning and got up at 5:50. I was bummed when I saw the temp at 41 and rain. Finally switched over around 8:00. My husband thinks I'm crazy as well, but has learned it is what it is. It's actually kinda funny.
  7. I don't know how I'm suppose to actually work today. I've been invested in this storm for a week now and it's almost here! Guess I'll be gathering my obs from looking out of the window today.
  8. I thought it was just me and my connection. I guess in about an hour or so, we can expect another board crash.
  9. You're hair!! It's getting so long! Looking gorgeous as always!
  10. Thanks for saying hello! Hi! All is well. Hoping the same for you.
  11. Hey!!! Everything is going well. Hope things are good in your neck of the woods.
  12. Heeeeeyyyy! Did you know you may have a problem with raccoons? Just kidding! I love Snapchats wacky filters. Y'all look great!
  13. Last post was from last Christmas!! Summer is coming to a close. Definitely ready for fall and winter. I'm still lurking, but if Irma decides to come hang out with me, I'll be posting obs as much as I can. Anywho, most recent pic and I'm hanging onto my summer glow! See you guys more in the winter!
  14. Both of my girls were a little under 6lbs when they were born. I really didnt think too much about it. When my neighbor had her baby a couple weeks ago, he was around the same size as your son. I was so scared to hold him because he was so tiny. It's so easy to forget how small they were at one time. Congrats and enjoy every moment because time will get away from you real fast.
  15. Thanks so much! I have really enjoyed this cut, it's been so easy to maintain. As for the color...red is my absolute favorite!!
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