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Jersey Andrew

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About Jersey Andrew

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Fairfax Station, Virginia

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  1. Don, does NYC take a warm to hot turn around June 20 and beyond?
  2. Don, any thoughts on the Mid Atlantic and Northeast susceptibility to hurricanes this year?
  3. April 6, 1982 shows it can be done but in this climate I have my doubts.
  4. Do you think we are essentially done with snow this winter in the DC metro area?
  5. Do you still have confidence this favorable pattern develops mid month and beyond? I think we could be setting up for a monster a la ‘83 but concerned about MJO.
  6. The Pineapple Express about to hit West Coast really is reminiscent of ‘83. I just have this feeling that a widespread 20-30” snowfall is going to hit us in February.
  7. That thing is awfully wound up. Is there any cold air around or is it making its own?
  8. Do you see this 2/5 storm as legit snow threat for DC metro area?
  9. But NYC capitalized in late February and then Boxing Day Blizzard. I lived outside the city at the time and that six year period 2010-2016 was beyond amazing for snowstorms.
  10. I think many of us love the long-tracking HECS potential. It’s what made 2016 and 2010 so much fun. Before the Internet and these boards, the aesthetics mattered more but now the excitement of EURO showing HECS at 1:30am is what keeps us going.
  11. Don, do you still see evidence of a cold and snowy February for the Northeast? Models are suggesting this pacific jet extension could lead to hostile conditions for winter weather especially during first half of February.
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