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About Wannabehippie

  • Birthday 11/18/1969

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Riverdale, NJ

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  1. I totally forgot about them.
  2. We didn't have a classic "january thaw" when we normally would have gotten a 60 degree high. Do we have an outside shot of getting to 60 this week, so we will have at least one day of a 60 degree high?
  3. 2025 Atlantic Hurricane Names: Andrea (AN-dree uh) Barry (BAIR-ree) Chantal (shahn-TAHL) Erin (AIR-rin) Fernand (fair-NAHN) Gabrielle (ga-bree-ELL) Humberto (oom-BAIR-toh) Imelda (ee-MEHL-dah) Jerry (JEHR-ee) Karen (KAIR-ren) Lorenzo (loh-REN-zoh) Melissa (meh-LIH-suh) Nestor (NES-tor) Olga (OAL-guh) Pablo (PAHB-loh) Rebekah (reh-BEH-kuh) Sebastien (sus-BASH-chuhn) Tanya (TAHN-yuh) Van (van) Wendy (WEN-dee)
  4. From what I am seeing on some of the maps, that southern jet is like a firehose at the moment.
  5. If you invest in that, I have a fantastic bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
  6. What is the timing of this event? Overnight Wednesday into Thurs?
  7. It hasn't been our year for three years now. I mean at least this year we got some snow. Which is better than the last two.
  8. Too much blocking? nothing is acting the way it should this season. The MJO, the AO, etc.
  9. I feel like any attempts by humans to regulate ocean currents and the climate will just further f things up.
  10. I want the box Monty, the box! But in all seriousness, I think we need to get thru the system for this weekend, see how things shake out in the atmosphere after that to see how serious this system will be. A significant snow fall or a huge snow event. We haven't had a big snow event in the NYC/LI area in what 3 years?
  11. I will take sleet over freezing rain any day. Sleet you can at least drive thru, if you are very careful. Freezing rain? Forget it. Stay home.
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