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About Wannabehippie

  • Birthday 11/18/1969

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Riverdale, NJ

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  1. Same here. Come back to me on Wednesday with this big storm look for the metro area and then I will get excited. Do we have to wait until the storm for tomorrow gets off shore to see how the block sets up before we can get any confidence on any future storms?
  2. Man, how often do you see such a well developed eye at this stage of the season?
  3. The stadium in Oakland might be in even worse shape than the Trop. Know to flood at the drop of a hat, leaky pipes everywhere. facilities in terrible shape. But I don't know if the Trop can be used without the roof in place, even if the catwalks are still in place.
  4. I wonder where the Tampa Bay Rays will play next season. Their ballpark looks unplayable, and I can't imagine replacing the roof will be cheap or fast, especially when they are supposed to move in to a new stadium in a few years. Can they play at the Trop without the roof?
  5. Are you away from the water? That is a huge factor in the premiums. Right now they are jacking them up in places that are right on the water, and are in major flood zones from storm surges.
  6. Well I am sure some will move to NC, and Georgia as well.
  7. The shore was the place to be in so many states. But with rising sea levels, powerful storm frequency increasing, people are going to be fleeing those areas in the coming years. Especially from those places that are literally built on the beach on stilts.
  8. That is insane. How does she afford that?
  9. With all the damage done by Milton, will anyone be able to get insurance in Florida now? Companies were already pulling out of large swaths of the state due to supposed inability to make a profit in them, leaving the state as the insurer of last resort. Those premiums will be astronomical.
  10. I am glad that no one was hurt at The Trop, as it was set up as a place for first responders to get some rest. I have not heard if there were any injuries with the crane collapse, but hopefully we escaped any injuries there as well.
  11. I am surprised that they did not secure it before Milton hit. They had plenty of notice to do so.
  12. 17 confirmed tornadoes so far as per https://tornadopaths.engin.umich.edu/ That number is sure to go way up
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