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north pgh

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About north pgh

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Pittsburgh Pa. Ross Twp. Elevation 1144 ft.

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  1. If it were January there would be a lot of frustration as this system is moving so far east we will get nothing. haha typical. I'm glad it's not, however I am golfing Friday so I am glad for the miss east.
  2. Picked up 1.36 inches of rain so far today. Much needed.
  3. Just about the same here. .13 so far this month. 2.15 since June 1st and 1.24 of that came in one day on June 26.
  4. Nothing here but a little thunder. Need rain badly.
  5. I got to 94 at my house. Currently sitting at 93
  6. Could have used a little more rain today for the grass. Picked up .32 in a downpour this morning but that was it.
  7. Sun is out. I think we will have some redevelopment of storms but more scattered and less severe. Nice breeze picking up too but still very humid.
  8. Keep the thunderstorms coming. NO damage though......Then let's carry it into some large snowfalls this Winter.
  9. A nice little downpour just popped up over me. Nice to wet the dry grass. I’ll take it. Only lasted 5 or ten minutes. A solid .02. lol my temp went from 95 to 88.
  10. 89 yesterday. Currently 86. Wow. Historic heat. It hasn't been this hot since maybe......every summer since the early 70's. And I didn't get air conditioning until 1989. How am I even alive. lol
  11. Hoping to get a few thunderstorms dropping from the north early this evening.
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