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Ginx snewx

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About Ginx snewx

  • Birthday 02/10/1957

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Moosup, CT
  • Interests
    Weather Staying alive

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  1. It's not until the 30th on weeklies do we inch AN for 7 day period then back to BN the next week .So say weeklies any way.
  2. Weeklies look pretty interesting. That strat PV displacement will probably set us up for chilly rain
  3. Ooh yesterday you were mid month. Good news
  4. Nice job There once was a fellow named Ray, Who predicted winter each day, Though his novel was grand, Snow slipped out of his hand, And his forecasts just melted away.
  5. I was sleeping but looked ugly then 06 looked sweet. Pick your poison
  6. It is certainly amazing the number of ways we have been screwed. Only 1 cold winter since 2000 featured BN snow (04)
  7. I was talking to Jeffafafafa (dry slot) about that, some places have 75% of their snow still OTG
  8. So sad you have been reduced to only sarcastic posts. Used to be nice when you contributed. You have a lot of good instincts and knowledge. Anthony is low hanging fruit.
  9. It has been for what a month. His backyard, once white, now lies bare and forlorn, The snow that he loved fled beneath the sun’s scorn.
  10. Broke back week for sure but a 510 blast will leave a mark then all bets off. Do we warm or does that strat warming dump another mother load mid month. Scooter stands at the edge of his yard, where snow used to drift, heavy and certain, now just mud, a puddle reflecting his eyes, red-rimmed, waiting for flakes that won’t fall.
  11. Jesus enough already. Lol How many different ways can you make the same post. Maybe first Met 5 posted would work
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