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About wxsniss

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Brookline, MA

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  1. Some younger folks here might be interested in this… summer student volunteer program with NWS Boston: https://www.weather.gov/media/box/Summer_2025.pdf
  2. Fond memory on multiple levels... the turning point, Euro ~60 hrs prior... went from OTS to a retro for a few inches to a blizzard:
  3. ~5-5.25" in Brookline I love the fresh stark white on everything
  4. Look at Feb 9 0z HREF… 3z/4z RAP and 3z/4z HRRR, that’s go-time guidance… even short term mesos failed horribly here in handling dry air, had it snowing in east at least through 7am
  5. Brookline: Great snowgrowth and heaviest rates of season, has to be at least 1”/hr RAP HRRR HREF look good esp NOP and NEMA
  6. Warnings up This degree of model consensus seems so rare lately
  7. Been a while since we've had a no-drama significant storm... Regionwide 6-10" would probably accurately cover almost everyone outside Cape/southcoast
  8. Just saw this from Box, sorry if posted earlier... Are they relying on ratios for such widespread 8-12"? Solid event incoming for a change... most guidance supports widespread 4-8", maybe some spots 8"+
  9. Healthier SWFE and that fledgling CCB keeps improving Widespread warning snows, would be SNE's largest storm of season so far
  10. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/at00sqr6q8/dyfi/intensity
  11. Earthquake? definite shaking in Fenway area
  12. Wow... KBTR 211653Z AUTO 02010G19KT 1/4SM +SN FZFG VV004 M03/M06 A3063 RMK AO2 SLP370 P0010 T10331056 RVRNO
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