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About Tropopause_Fold

  • Birthday 08/24/1978

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  • Location:
    Cape Cod
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  1. once you realize he's still alive...it's pretty good.
  2. actually thought part of that was serious for the first couple of lines.
  3. yeah the day of the 26th was one of those funky meteorology days along the coast. there was a nasty coastal front. i remember it was in the upper 30s with sprinkles/flurries down here most of the day while places inland were shivering and getting some OES to boot with onshore flow.
  4. yeah i lived in harwich at the time...which proved good in the end...but was frustrating for the first half of that storm. just a few miles west, hya was over to S/S+ much earlier, but the heaviest stuff ended up right over the inside elbow overnight.
  5. LOL - it's a liitle creepy seeing those people up close, but otherwise those are good pics. i recognize a lot of those areas. actually, will and i were standing in a few of those spots during Irene. lol. one of the more impressive aspects of that storm is basically 16-18" fell in about 6 to 8 hours. it started as a rain/snow mix in the evening and took forever to actually flip and start to accumulate. it wasn't until 9 or 10PM that things really started to get going...i remember being really pissed, and really worried, at around 8:30 or so because it was basically liquid snow falling...just slush. but then around 9 or so it started to go to town and just went nuts for the next 8 hours...it was all done by first thing in the morning....couldn't open the front door.
  6. Yeaah...let's just squeeze a strong TS or better into the area first...need to have a better chase night. This time with goggles so we can read the handheld anemometer....then bring on the cold and snow
  7. oh yeah no doubt. And I think some of the events even ended up stronger and more dynamic than modeled.
  8. obviously it goes hand-in-hand with the totals, but that's another memorable aspect of last winter - just the pure longevity of the snowpack. even down here where things dropped off so much earlier in the season the frequency of events was enough to overcome the crap-factor and keep snow around for what felt like the whole winter...be it in piles or wooded areas.
  9. when did you "officially" have bare ground in the spring?
  10. that's a great image. how do you save the animation? do you create an animated gif manually or does weathertap provide that?
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