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About SnoSki14

  • Birthday 08/10/1988

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  • Location:
    East Brunswick, NJ

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  1. Too far north to get into the rains but too far south to escape the clouds
  2. Correct so if it happens to be near normal, that's still much warmer than a decade ago.
  3. It's ramping up now. Large CDO structure developing and wrapping around
  4. Given how fast it'll be moving north tomorrow, there's going to be some very strong winds on the east side. Tremendous surge potential even if it doesn't get stronger than a Cat 2.
  5. This is not going to rapidly intensify, it's far too big. I doubt it'll be much stronger than 100-105mph.
  6. This could be more impactful than the strong Cat 4-5 hits as of late. It's all about the size when it comes to tropical systems and this one is huge.
  7. Given its size it'll be tough to get much stronger. I'm skeptical it'll even get that strong. Maybe more Ike like
  8. Models wildly shifting run to run in under 4 days. No consistency whatsoever
  9. Since it's been so dry it probably means we'll get like 20" of rain in a 2-3 day timeframe
  10. It has another low developing, not sure I buy it. New GFS has gotten wetter. A very difficult pattern to forecast
  11. Unless a full scale pattern change occurs, aka PDO flips, it will always be disappointing. The only hope is for brief mismatch intervals.
  12. We might onshore flow our way into a near normal month.
  13. Need the high to trend a bit weaker to avoid suppression
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