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About SnoSki14

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  • Location:
    East Brunswick, NJ

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  1. Holy moly they're saying gusts up to 100mph...wow.
  2. Atrocious winter. Cold and dry that will only make drought conditions a lot worse heading into the warm season. Big time fire season coming?
  3. Reminder that we're still under a moderate to severe drought. If things don't reverse then we're in trouble come summertime
  4. Or the "I thought global warming was happening"
  5. Places along the Gulf Coast are about to have more snow than us.
  6. All these small events are nice and all but man would I love another KU, it's been years. I really think the right storm could deliver record snows given warm ssts, dynamics, more precip.
  7. Will need to see models start trending favorably soon. Most of them have precip offshore
  8. Overrunning/swfe potential for sure
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