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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Southbury, CT

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  1. Need more precip for sure. We’ll see if the cold sticks around long or close enough to matter.
  2. Yea a couple nice rainers to curtail the drought.
  3. Yea. There’s been some decent ones sprinkled as stench reducing perfume.
  4. Nurse Dewy was drunk last night, we forgive him. This decade has sucked, no other way to put it.
  5. Yes and I said closer to 50”. Elevated Southbury.
  6. Nah. Nice try though. I don’t live in the bronx. We prob avg close to 50” here so even a 20” event that comes once a decade wouldnt do it.
  7. I get that but it’s all about snowfall for me. If I end 50% of climo I really don’t care how cold it was or how it made my weenie feel during the holidays. The 80s had a bunch of rats being cold and dry, this is no different imo.
  8. Yes I’ve been saying stein is here and he won’t let go. Called a rat pre season and even though it is cooler than I expected, it’s on track.
  9. Ah ok. Looks more active yes but we worry it’s more liquid than frozen. Ya know…like the 80s patterns.
  10. Winters and manhood…simultaneously fading into insignificance.
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