I recently graduated from Florida State and we had all the normal reqs: Chemistry, Physics 1 and 2 as well as Atmo. Physics, Dynamics, Synoptic as well as a statistics/programming class combined. Calc 1 thru 3 were required, as was Diffy Q, I took partial differential equations because I was thinking of majoring in math, but that class kicked my butt (got a B but it was hard earned and with a lot of help). They also had a weather casting class that I took (which is how I got to be where I am now). Current WX Discussion was essentially our forecasting class because we had to give a 45 minute discussion 3 times in a semester just about the current weather and why we are forecasting the way we are. It helped the TA we had was incredibly knowledgable and I was able to learn a lot. I find it hard to believe you can get by in a Meteorology major without Calc 3 (how are you going to know how to do Q-Vectors? haha!) Overall, the major was difficult, but rewarding.
Also, meteorology HAS to be your life.... If you want to work in a meteorology field you have to LOVE it... not like it, but LOVE it! I get ragged on by my girlfriend that I check the weather out more than her (which is true if there is some severe wx or wintry wx events in the SE), but she understands. You have to stay on top of it all, including the latest research because this field is still 'relatively' new compared to the other major sciences. Also, the weather changes from day to day and model run to model run, and if you miss a few you can never make a really know where the models have trended (unless of course you want to look at the hundreds of posts about it on here ) But if you love it and this is what you want to do, then find internships, get to know people, talk with professors (because they know a TON of people usually), and just never give up. I was lucky and found a broadcasting job in 6 months, but stick with it and you won't regret it!