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About Spanks45

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Southbury, CT

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  1. Our Linden trees are literally a full month ahead of schedule. Grass is pretty much dead....Even our maples have started dropping leaves, brown and crispy. At this point, let's roll the dice with precip coming back in the winter....
  2. I feel like I am tracking something mid winter, watching this thing meander around the benchmark....
  3. Models looking a bit more rainy next week, at least down here....
  4. I sure hope not....perfect softball weather. Our game tonight might be a win in forfeit, they don't even wanna show up, lol
  5. It has been a great stretch for sure....could use a little bit of rain though, fall crops aren't happy at this point. Nice to not have the crazy mosquitoes though, so I guess it is a pick your poison scenario....warm days, cool nights, no complaints at all
  6. Hope the CMC is wrong.....consensus is someone is going to get drenched/flooded from the remnants/redevelopment of Francine. Somewhere from the Carolinas to New England is a possibility as of now....Blocking FTL or FTW, depending on who you are asking I guess?
  7. 38.7⁰ this morning, wasn't expecting 30s this morning. Looks like I might need to prep the pool for swimming later this week...
  8. 42⁰, getting close...perfect weather for the next few days, keep them coming straight through October
  9. 88.7/76.8 with a HI of 101....just a bit hot out there
  10. After the past 2 winters, I would be happy if that were a snowfall map...unreal that is a rainfall total
  11. 44.4⁰, what month is this?!?! I knew is was going to get cold when I could see my breath at 8 last night....
  12. I "only" had 6.83" on this side of town, but the flooding was surreal at its height yeaterday afternoon. Soccer field at the end of our cul-de-sac....
  13. getting dark here after a few breaks in the clouds...."only" 6.45" in the stratus Looks like more in coming from the west too....
  14. The funny thing is we have been "spared" here so far, just over 1.5". Looks like a lot of 2-4 inch totals to my south and west
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