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About Ridingtime

  • Birthday 05/16/1987

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Jerusalem, Israel

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  1. I ended up driving north toward Glendale AK from Dallas the day of the eclipse. Was a stressful ride because we were in clouds most of the trip but it then cleared up and we settled on the side of the road surrounded by hills, all by myself with my daughter throughout it. Was unforgettable, amazing, hard to describe in words what I witnessed. I might have even burst into tears when I took off the glasses to see totality for the first time. Anyways, despite the cloudiness it seemed that the weather worked out for most of the big cities in totality. Even my aunt in Austin saw it, and they were predicted to be largely in heavy low cloud cover. What an experience - considering chasing the next one in Spain.
  2. I’ve been so bummed about these trends with TX. About to finally be in Dallas and now considering a long drive early Mon morning northward into Arkansas. Dreading the traffic though for the way back.
  3. For what it’s worth, things are definitely trending better if you follow these maps that I posted here for Dallas, TX. Yesterday cloud cover was at 75% and now it’s down to 48% and the blue is inching closer. Hopefully this keeps up
  4. Thanks Jeff! So it will just be me and my 12 year old daughter - will be renting a car from DFW and should be mostly mobile around TX. We arrive the Thurs before, stay the weekend in Dallas, was then planning on stopping through Waco where I was born to revisit my oldest roots, and then head down to Austin Sun night to stay by my Aunt. In the morning, the hope is that we then all can head a bit west together toward a location more ideal within the path of totality. But now... I don't know what to do. I have a brother in law who owns a lake house in the Adirondack mountains by Tupper Lake up in north NY, which is currently in a location that seems most ideal for sun and in the path of totality. Should I reroute everything and go up there? Should I miss out on seeing my home town, visiting family that I am closer to - all to head north for a solar eclipse? Or maybe there will be SOME part of TX somewhere along the totality line that will have sun and I'll somehow just chase that? Gah, the whole thing is maddening right now - and the only comfort I can take is that we are still a ways out and things can change. What would any of you say regarding the chances for the chances for changes at this point? Help a flustered guy out here lol
  5. Oh crap, you’re right Gah, I totally read it wrong. Ok *deep breath*…. it’s still 8 days out, hopefully this is enough time for things to change
  6. I am flying in from Jerusalem, Israel to TX to see this (where I am from originally) so to say that I am invested in this is an understatement. Latest GEFS run is giving me some hope:
  7. Hey everyone, watching this storm from Israel and trying to vicariously enjoy the snow through all the posts. Does anyone have high resolution live webcams they can send over?
  8. Oh huh had no clue. For me it’s just a reference to how we are all riding time, a bit deep lol
  9. Hmm nope lol, not a wrestler here. What made you think so?
  10. Nice surprise snow here in Boston/Brighton area. Coated everything. Looks like it’s slowing down but much appreciated before I head back to Israel tomorrow, especially when yesterday I thought I completely missed seeing snow here
  11. Amen! I’m actually tracking a potential snow storm there for next weekend. Praying, snow there is usually incredible
  12. I’m in Boston visiting from Israel. Please tell me some flakes, any flakes, make their way up here some time today lol
  13. The eye is has cleared out quite obviously to get that classic major hurricane eye shape. This is happening at the worst possible time, plus the latest GFS run - God help NOLA
  14. Thank you Don, this looks great and I appreciate the kind response. Would you also happen to know of a similar webcam that would show things from a more grassy open area with the same sort of quality?
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