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About chris21

  • Birthday 02/21/1985

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    North Carolina/Tennessee Border, Avery County, 3800’

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  1. I camped on top of Mt. Sterling at 6000 feet in June of 2007 during a tropical depression and it was wild. 60 mph winds easy. Wouldn’t recommend it. I just moved to a location just below Roan Mountain on the NC/Tenn border at 3800 feet so hoping it goes well west
  2. I camped on top of Mt. Sterling at 6000 feet in June of 2007 during a tropical depression and it was wild. 60 mph winds easy. Wouldn’t recommend it. I just moved to a location just below Roan Mountain on the NC/Tenn border at 3800 feet so hoping it goes well west.
  3. One of the reasons I moved to a location 4000 feet high a mile from Roan Mountain, TN. Upslope snow is about the only guarantee these days.
  4. My wife and I are moving to the NC/Tenn border at 4000 feet. A blend of those two years would bring serious upslope snow to my new location. I think most of the east coast would take that blend at this point.
  5. Packing up the house in Jacksonville, FL to move up to the mountains with my wife next week. Psyched to join the winter weather discussions this year. Here’s to snow!!
  6. Better description would be within 5 miles of the Mitchell-Avery-Tennessee border. 3900 feet.
  7. Hey! It’s texhnically Newland in Avery County. About 4 miles from the Tennessee border. Very close to Roan as the crow flies. Under ten miles for sure
  8. Closing on a house up Roaring Creek Rd. at about 3900 feet. Was wondering if anyone could relate some info about the snowfall climatology. I figure it’s a pretty snowy location but hard to find details.
  9. I love how nonchalant these outlooks are when snow is only expected to impact the high country. Had a similar outlook a few weeks ago when I was up at Beech and the roads were completely covered with drifting/blowing and zero visibility. Def a few slick spots Lolol! Those conditions would absolutely shut down a major city.
  10. Mid March is still game on for the mountains. Lowlands are another story, but PSU land can still score as well.
  11. Absolutely pouring snow at Beech. About a half inch so far, road just caved. Temp is at 30 and falling. Radar looks interesting
  12. I went up to the top yesterday and there was almost certainly a bit more snow on the west side than on top.
  13. Picked up somewhere between 4 and 6 inches on the west side of Beech at 4700 feet. Serious drifting and Blizzard conditions last night and constant flurries/light snow of varying intensity currently. Temp has reached 32.
  14. Temp fluctuating between 28-29 with winds still gusting to 40. Snow has picked up considerably and is accumulating on all surfaces up here at Beech. Blowing snow is already reducing visibility up here.
  15. Flash freeze up here on Beech this morning with 45-50 mph winds. Currently 30 and dropping fast, still in the clouds with light snow starting.
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