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About PineHillsWx

  • Birthday 12/15/1961

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Pine Hills in Plymouth, Ma
  • Interests
    Hockey, Weather

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  1. Wet weekend? Few showers is all I've seen and they've been pushed back from Sat to Sunday.
  2. It's really become embarrassing.....every storm is a bomb cyclone etc now. Nothing but hype....yes, we'll get some strong winds but with leaves off of the trees and no snow involved.....power outages will be few and far between.....IMHO.
  3. Just hit 3 inches where I am in Plymouth....
  4. You nailed this! Sun is poking through in Plymouth. I'm personally depressed. As others have mentioned, it's getting real tiring attempting to keep my plants from burning out and I've been unsuccessful in some cases. Hopefully we get a couple of TS remnants with inches of rain....
  5. It's pounding in Plymouth, multiple power hits, praying it doesn't go out...going out soon for first clean up. Will attempt to get some measurements but afraid with the drifting it will be fruitless.
  6. 1.72 so far at my location in Plymouth. Looking at radar, I don't think 3 inches is out of the question.
  7. 1.20 inches of rain today per my station in Plymouth.
  8. Really picking up in Plymouth, close to an inch of wet snow. Temp is 32.9, dew point 31.1, no wind to speak of.
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