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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    West Greenwich RI

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  1. Sounds like a line in a movie i have heard.
  2. .85" rain in 30 minutes West Greenwich. Started strong but quickly turned into just a torrential rain.
  3. Its getting there that hurts!
  4. -5 Rangeley Countdown has begun. Somewhere a large lady is humming.
  5. Picked up a nice 1.5-2" Last night in Rangeley. Have to see if there was more in elevation tomorrow. House we stay in is just about about lake level. Did a quick 65 mile loop with wife yesterday and trails were pretty good. Started at -7 at 5 am was in the 20's by 11AM.
  6. Days of 1-3 and a sneaky 6" are a blessing. Heading up Saturday
  7. Groomers are reporting 3-6"+ new snow in Pittsburg and Colebrook and still snowing.
  8. We road Rangeley to NH on Friday and Sunday. Its groomed all the way to within 1/2 mile of NH border. They are logging about 1/4 mile. not to bad and they may be done by now. Nh to Boundary pond was well worth it. East to jackman is all open as of tomorrow
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