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About caviman2201

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Glen Burnie, MD

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  1. Its an insurrection! May as well throw fuel on the fire...
  2. Me coming in to see if anything's on the horizon... ... and seeing the thread in its current state
  3. Lies. 3z HRRR says you don't see anything until after midnight.
  4. FWIW, the 02z HRRR sim composite reflectivity for 03z looks nothing like current reality over SE PA, MD and NOVA
  5. Lot of models have wanted to paint this band of much lighter precip over Baltimore for several runs now and its really showing up on the HiRes stuff too... makes me a bit nervous. I seem to remember a storm a few years ago that did this "crab claw" thing and it became a big joke on here but it really did screw people inside the claw
  6. lol at the "Extreme" line... gee I wonder which winter that was with a huge increase in Dec and another in early Feb... hmmmm lol
  7. only piccolo should be canceled I thought this was well established
  8. I'm worried about the January Snow Angle melting it all on contact
  9. Ukie precip distribution has been so weird last couple runs
  10. Sorry if it was posted last night but the Ukie snow map cracked me up... cartopper for everyone except La Plata and that one particular house on that one particular hill... lol
  11. Radar has really popped last couple frames over central MD... that 850mb fronto is putting in some work
  12. Same - I'm just north of you about 5mi E of BWI and just measured 3.75 on concrete w/ compaction... so I have to imagine at least 4.5 has fallen
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