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About kab2791

  • Birthday 02/07/1991

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  • Location:
    Albany, NY

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  1. Agreed, amazing how deep blue that lake in the middle picture is.
  2. Reading this almost brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad your safe to tell your story and I pray for the well-being of your family, friends, neighbors, and city.
  3. Everyone needs to pay their dues so to speak. I honestly wouldn't mind relocating for a job, nor so should anybody serious about their field of work.
  4. Thanks for your insight. Thinking it over the last 24 hours, I don't want to switch majors. I figure this is where my interest lies the most, and like you and others have pointed out, there are other pathways within in, just don't think narrowly.
  5. Happy Birthday

  6. Diff eq was surprisingly not bad. Fourier series was a tedious pain in the ass.
  7. Especially consider minoring in GIS (Geographic Information Sciences) and/or Computer Sciences. Also, don't be afraid to spend an extra year or 2 in college to gain these extra skills. Don't try to rush it if you don't have too.
  8. Yes, that would be quite difficult. I'm at a huge deciding moment in the direction my life should go, and I like the opportunities/money engineering may provide (along with the sanity of knowing I have a better chance of landing a job to pay for all my loans). Meterology has always been a great passion of mine, like many of us, but honestly, I'd be content for it to remain just hobby.
  9. I'm actually thinking seriously about switching majors to electrical or mechanical engineering. I have only completed 2 yrs of college so far, and the great thing is I did not waste time really because all the math/physics/gen ed classes required for MET is required for Engineering, and I have not taken any MET classes. So as much as it pains me to possible do this, math is also a big passion of mine, and engineering was always my plan B. Thoughts? Note my sig. I was already set to be a MET major, but now is the time to switch as that is not set in stone yet.
  10. Accidental death by any kind, especially because of the weather probably one of the most tragic things that can happen to families; just an unfair reality, and It devastating that many metro areas/towns were affected. Many thoughts and prayers go out there. These last couple weeks first with Raleigh, then St. Louis, then Tuscaloosa/Birmingham is eye-opening to the fact that no area is less susceptible to tornado damage, no matter how populated or localized. Great job everyone posting updates/radar/velocities/videos; this forum definitely provides outstanding analysis and warning.
  11. Was hoping for the best when I left for Skywarn as the wall cloud was evident on Tuscaloosa skycam, but to come back to these haunting images is unfathomable. I feel sick looking at that.
  12. Glad your our new moderator!

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