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About SVT450R

  • Birthday 09/03/1985

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    Somerset NJ

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  1. It looks like DMI has removed the sea level contribution charts as i don't see them on the site anymore. Albedo is much better when compared to last year at this time because of the slow start to the season.
  2. Interestingly this year we have seen less surface melt then even 2013 so far for the start of the season.
  3. Yea natural variability is still dominant with an underline AGW component.
  4. Surface mass has continued to run above the mean on this DMI graphic throughout the winter. I don't know when the next GRACE update will be coming out tho. Here is 2013 for comparison.
  5. There is a three letter taboo AMO that plays a role in Atlantic water influx's into the arctic this is not some new phenomenon.
  6. You posted images of warming at 300m-400m when in reality your warming area is some of the deepest areas in the arctic that is his point.
  7. I would have to disagree even Skier has pointed out a few pages back that this thread is a joke.
  8. Skier you don't understand this is not good.
  9. It's laughable the normal average Joe will see no difference in there life if the earth warms. I don't understand how people can act like we won't adapt to any changes if needed our technology is basically doubling every decade with no end in sight.
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