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About dsaur

  • Birthday 04/10/1947

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    40 miles south of Atl.
  • Interests
    Sliding real fast down steep hills, making cabochons, silver smithing, hand made paper, croquet, bolder opals, computer graphics. And now cloissone enameling.

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  1. It will be cold enough this week and it will be wet enough this week. All it ever takes is timing....and a long list of unlikely scenarios and happenstances, lol.
  2. Circumstance changes too. Once I was no longer successful in chasing bikini babes, 75 was warm enough, and now I'm on blood thinner, 25 is low enough. I still enjoy winter extremes as long as I can get propane, and they don't last too long in the teens, or below, but 75 is my tops the rest of the year. The only summer extreme I enjoy is 75 in July/Aug. California would be ok, if the cold nights were cold days at least half the time. The way they have it now would make me irritable year round, lol. 25 to 75 and ip/sn once a month would be great, but I don't think that place exists on this planet. Once every few years an f 0 sleetnado or a cat 1 snowacane would be great.
  3. 18.8 here. exp sta had 18.5
  4. I really want to fly my Mavick but both snows I got didn't cover like your's did. Way to go. I'm jealous of you getting shots like that.
  5. Can you tell me where to get in line for the big winter storm in the first two weeks of March ?? I feel the calling.... It'll be 32 years since the blizzard. Three and two are 5. There are three bugs pictured above. 5 less three is two...and there have been two snows here this year! Boom!!! Drop the mike.
  6. I'm pretty sure that 1 20 and I 85 are the first data points entered in every model run.
  7. Went to bed with a tornado watch, woke up to a squall line and tornado warning. Went back to sleep and snoozed thru it all. Glad I didn't wake up wrapped around a tree. Hope that's it for tornado season After the Masters, I'll be ready for fall.
  8. I thought winter cold was over and no more threats from way back in Jan, lol. I guess real winter didn't listen. I saw a blizzard in mid march and heavy snow in late March, so winter is never over until it says it is. Please don't tell me there is a Winter Storm Barney now, lol. Oh, the humanity!
  9. Nope, all heavy rain, and zr from the outset. Never saw it waver off 32, but that was a sign board on the bank up the street, so take it with a grain of salt...but over time it was pretty accurate and I was there 10 years. Don't recall my steps being iced but the build up on the rail was near 3 inches, and the roads were impassible due to all the hot wires, trees and poles down block after block but not iced. I don't think Ptree St had a pole left standing as far as I could see. And the side streets were all downed trees as well. No one could go anywhere for days. Never ever want to see that again, or anything close. A terrifying night.
  10. It works the way it wants too, not based on what humans think, lol. I've had an 8 inch spring storm, and another 4 inch one, so it just has to be cold enough in the column while rain is falling. Not much to it.... just a convergence of factors plus exquisite timing. I had a blizzard in mid March and it was really warm before and really warm after, but in between, bingo
  11. I think it's the old "reloading" thing. Early Jan, actually from Xmas on thru most of Jan used to be cold, then reload.... indigenous people's summer....then mid Feb, to late, gave some great storms back in the way back. Then March was a crap shoot. Now, who knows.... but people saying no more chances before Jan is even over, maybe right, but maybe not. The actual weather generally has something to say about these things, lol....and I've never seen a script.
  12. Well, Climo likes the last third of Feb for Ga snows, so it's in the bank....right?? A three peat for 2025. And this time the big one for Tony...not these piddly 1 inch snows with a little ip, but a three inch ip with a little snow. Make is so, Mr. Abacus...if you please
  13. Always broke the stalagmite everyday to stop it damming. And I agree about the pencil width, and it's the hot water that freezes first, but the cost of heating water is way out weighed by the physical cost of lying on your back in sub freezing temps working on pipes. In my case the out door faucet was near the kitchen and on the same line as the sink, so I needed to keep water running in the line. So much depends on how insulated you are, how hot the house is, wrapped pipes, heat tape, etc.
  14. I always wrapped mine really well, and if it was going really low, let them run a pencil lead stream. That was my studio where I used the stay, and it was up on blocks with little insulation. A better house might do with just being wrapped in thick insulation. And I always blocked mine from the wind.
  15. It's a well built brick house with double pane windows, so it never got below 46 in the house, and the basement with the pipes either as it's under grade on three side. I burned wood in the fireplace, and slept under several thermal blankets, so I was fine. Thanks for worrying. My studio has a full tank so I could go down there to warm up, or even sleep if I'd gotten too cold. And I had an oil heater for the laundry room, and a small ceramic heater for my feet. I was amazed at how warm the house stayed with it down to 12.5. I've ordered some more ceramic heaters, and I learned I've been wasting gas heating the basement when it didn't need it. So I'll save money in the long run and use way less propane...after I pay off the electric bill. It was a good warm up for an ice storm, as the space heaters will have to heat the house if the power goes, and I'll be way more conservative with the gas. I have to learn to live in a colder house, but being on blood thinners I don't deal with the cold as well as I used too. Learned a lot from the experience for sure. Electric water heater. And of course all the gas companies were dealing with their own customers demands in bitter cold, so you can't just call someone...they don't answer the phone.
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