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40/70 Benchmark

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About 40/70 Benchmark

  • Birthday 11/16/1980

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Methuen, MA, 154' ASL 30 mi N of Boston
  • Interests
    Snow, Canes , Baseball, Football and Keeping Fit.

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  1. Part of it is we always have those limp ridges off of the west coast
  2. This has to be the most useless season relative to potential since 2009-2010.
  3. Blind persistence forecasting is one thing, but there is something to be said for identifying an unfavorable nuance in the longer wave pattern...sure, wavelengths are changing, but I'll still bet against anything other than maybe a couple of mixed bag, garbage advisory type deals that will of course coincide with commutes and be a collosal nuisance...AKA bouts of ass mist.
  4. Nah, no one is honestly angry. Steve is good at those, though lol
  5. My work was pretty flawed, too...getting the snowfall largely right was luck bc I didn't get alot of the pattern right.
  6. I think if you did a poll, most would agree I'm not shy about acknowledging poor efforts.
  7. No..I'm just adding in empirical facts. Previous two were dumpster fires.
  8. My snow forecast was actually pretty good this year...and I was too warm.
  9. There once was an old man named Steve, Who thought he had good forecasting tricks up his sleeve But after a year or two of limited success doing Ginxy's Gale He decided to bail While some appreciated the effort and game him no slack He opted instead to become a permanent Monday AM quarterback.
  10. All Cold All of The Time for Steve Despite the clarity the PV will leave Steve happily waites w shovel in hand while scooter sits w a scowl Snow never falls but Steve finds use for the shovel when the dogs move their bowels. Alas the maps looked great but the low had a nipple That is the only reason SNE won't be crippled.
  11. The everywhere to SNE gradient has been impressive.
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