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I just want to take a few minutes outline the areas that I will be posting about and to introduce myself as I do not post much in general and rarely really post outside of the Mid Atlantic forum.

I have been a member since the Eastern era of the board and have been tracking the weather as an enthusiast since the early 2000's. I moved to Southeastern PA to go school at Millersville in August 2008 and graduated from there with a B.S. in Meteorology in 2011. I enjoy forecasting in general and especially mesoscale forecasting. I try to get out and do some local chases, though lately I haven't gotten out as much as I would like too.

I hope to keep this blog updated at least weekly with a focus on general forecasting. Obviously during slow times you may not here much out of me. On the other hand, during severe weather days I may use this blog to voice my opinions on the very short term as the event evolves and update several times a day. My "area of interest" (or whatever you want to call it) will generally be the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and the more western suburbs of DC. I may post outside of this area occasionally if there is something overly interesting happening and things are dull here.

As a computer/technology, don't be surprised to see the occasional technology oriented post either!


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Welcome and thanks for participating!

I look forward to reading your blog entries. I hope the blogs can encourage more people like you to get their word out there.
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