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Snow is showing up in the models!




The next few weeks of Mid to late October 2020 will feature some volatile temperature changes across the northern tier of the CONUS.  It has become quite clear, models are reacting to a colder pattern regime showing up in central Canada and the Arctic.  The Arctic is storing up very intense cold arctic air masses.  As the La Nina continues its reign in the overall oceanic pattern across the equatorial Pacific Ocean, the trends towards this pattern regime across the North American Pattern will result in a progressive northern branch of the jet stream with frequent cold fronts moving in from Canada and the Great Lakes.  With each progression, and determining what the teleconnections favor, frequent clippers will be the main storm type for a majority of the 2020-2021 winter.  Whether these systems blow up along the East Coast and Gulf Stream will be determined as I mentioned above, the teleconnections and most appreciably the North American Pacific Pattern (PNA) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) which is determined by the presence and pressure pattern of the Icelandic Low Pressure and Greenland Ridge pressure pattern.  Also, the pattern evolving is favoring a transitional period in the pattern across the North and west hemispheres.  Snow is showing up on the models across the Great Lakes in the next 7 days, stay tuned!



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