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North American Pattern details




Strong anomalously cold air heading towards the CONUS, eastern 2/3rds, east of the Rockies,

Very warm air across SW CONUS, including the states of CA, NV and NM.

Fire dangers will continue for the areas impacted to this date.

Very little mountain snow/rain for CA, OR and WA. 

MT to Great Lakes and Northeastern US will see above normal snowfall, perhaps quite intense snowfalls in the coming weeks

November will bring snow and cold for most of the eastern CONUS

Alaska should remain rather dry and mild, I wouldn't say warm

Big storm threats for snow along the I-95 corridor and the immediate coastline of the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions will being next week, Monday-Wednesday

Pattern now is a combination of a -NAO/-AO/+PNA regime

Upper level pattern establishing itself now will favor prolonged sustained cold air and snow potentials due to anomalous ridging in Alaska and the PNA regions, and Greenland block developing in the North Atlantic Polar Regions

Below are the maps of the pattern present and the snowfall and storm tracks anticipated for the next 48-60 days.



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