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-NAO leads to East Coast Winter Storm, potential exists in New England




12z EURO and EPS mean show potential for blocking pattern for an east coast snowstorm, with cold air present, and a coastal storm on the New England coastline, models show potential for winter weather on the 27-29th of November, this could be a long duration event, but it could be rain on the coast.  Right now specifics are not smart to forecast given its still 5 days away in time.  This is still an eternity.  However, models have flipped the pattern in the longer range to a less favorable pattern for cold and snowy chances and instead have a ridge of high pressure over the region.  This could easily change back and forth for the next few days.  Snow is a potential, not the forecast.

Winter Storm Potential November 28th 2018 500mb eps forecast.png

Winter Storm Potential November 28th 2018 500mb depiction.png

Winter Storm Potential November 28th 2018 500mb eps forecast.png



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