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A New England Thanksgiving Snowstorm?




Cape Cod has not had a real snowstorm on Thanksgiving since my birth year, 28 years ago on Thanksgiving.  I was supposed to be baptized in the Roman Catholic Church a few months after my birth, which happened to be Thanksgiving week.  However, we had a great snowstorm that dumped almost a foot and a half of snow.  My parents have pictures they showed us growing up.  I have always wanted a white Thanksgiving and Christmas in the same year, wouldn't that be fascinating if this was the year?  Trouble though, my family and I are celebrating the holiday in Hilton Head, SC, so there is a dilemma here.  A part of me wants a white Thanksgiving and celebrate it at home with my immediate family and experience a snowstorm, the other part of me wants the snow to hold off until Sunday after the holiday when we are home to enjoy it.  Oh well.  GFS has a holiday storm shaping up on the November 14th 00z run around Wednesday of next week.  IF this indeed is the case, my family isn't going to SC for the holiday.  Model agreement would be good within 10 days, but the pattern shaping up continues the cold and stormy outlook into the first few weeks of December, and I like my chances for snow on the coast in December, not November, although it is rare, it isn't unlikely.  Teleconnections support a stormy and cold end for November and beginning of December.  We will get our front loaded chances this winter for snow.  However, I think it will take until January to get the true blizzard type of weather patterns, but I could be wrong stay tuned!



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