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Pattern tells us in 8-10 day period a storm potential is brewing




Ok, remember the last few posts have been about the past, well today's blog is about the future.  IN the next 8-10 days periods of cold and rain are possible with a few mix events, but the main event looks to be in the Saturday/Sunday timeframe for New England storm system.  Questions remain, but the gist of the future is that a potential coastal storm is looming.  Currently models are not far enough south with the low, so it appears it will be a rain event, but with a Greenland block and PNA ridging, cold air looks strong and should push the upper level low to the southwest over time on the model forecasts.  We will have to continue to monitor future runs.  For now, potential exists for a snowstorm in New England.

12z model comparison 8-10 day November 11th 2017.gif



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