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The Company Blog

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Blogs for non-mets

Some non-mets have asked for blogs recently and we're aware there are plenty of members here who are just as informative as a degreed meteorologist. Therefore, we'll allow access to blogs for non-mets by request and allowed on a case-by-case basis. We're stilling figuring exactly how to go about doing this but you can still reserve your place once we get a plan in place. Just PM one of the admins. Thanks.



Welcome to our new Blog System!

Welcome mets to the new Blog System offered by American Weather. I hope this new feature will help your thoughts stand out from the crowd with the use of your own personal space. Spread your word! As you become acclimated to the new system, if you have any questions just shoot me a PM.



Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new content-managed, community-driven web site, powered by our online community of professional meteorlogists and weather enthusiasts alike. The creation of a true front page will help to showcase many of the well-written articles, blog entries, and forum posts which may have otherwise been buried deep in a long forum thread. This new design will really show how resourceful our growing online community can be.



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