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NNE Winter Snow Thread II


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Event totals: 2.4” Snow/0.23” L.E.

Once the snow started up around 9:00 A.M. in Burlington, it eventually came down pretty hard during the late morning, then gradually tapered off toward the afternoon. It looked like it accumulated to perhaps an inch or so, but that began to melt back as the afternoon wore on and there was no additional snow falling. As I was leaving Burlington around 5:00 P.M., the sky was just starting to spit some new flakes, presumably in association with the next batch of snowfall off to the west:


We accumulated 2.4 inches at the house through 6:00 P.M., and there’s actually been another inch and a half since then. With the way it’s snowing out there now, there may end up being almost as much snowfall from this second round as there was from the first.

Some details from the 6:00 P.M. observations are below:

New Snow: 2.4 inches

New Liquid: 0.23 inches

Snow/Water Ratio: 10.4

Snow Density: 9.6% H2O

Temperature: 30.6 F

Sky: Light Snow (2-15 mm flakes)

Snow at the stake: 21.5 inches

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Picking back up here now with normal sized -SN flakes. That's a nice little vortmax driving through this evening. Hopefully it overproduces for you guys east of me in ME as the MLLs try to redevelop in the GOM.

Looking good so far Brian, Looks like the low is getting its act together in the GOM

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Measured 4.0" of fluffy white at 9 PM, with 0.33" LE and some of that (--SN from 1-3 PM) had melted on contact. Back to -SN at 9, with temp 27. On my drive home, the snow character changed from tiny wet stuff and perhaps half an inch in Belgrade Village to nice dime-sized aggregates and 1/4-3/8 mile visibility as I climbed Mile Hill from Rome to New Sharon. 2.3" fell after I got home at 6 PM, includin 1.5" from 7-8:30, which came from the 2nd area of snow that showed up on radar after I'd left AUG - the "Act II" I was hoping for.

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Uhhh... I'm not sure what happened overnight but it is still snowing out. Pretty hard at times, too. Everything is caked. Elevation dependent and the ski resort got hit hard overnight...

Obs this morning in this area:

800ft...2.5" overnight...4.0" total...30.5F...Notes: Absolute cement. 4.5" is causing bushes and trees to bend in half; even saw a couple down evergreen branches on my way to work.

1,500ft...4" overnight...6.0" total...28F...Notes: Bottom few inches wet, top few inches dry, with blowing and drifting.

3,600ft...6" overnight...8.0" total...21F...Notes: Groomers report extensive blowing and drifting. Winds are currently near 50mph with whiteout conditions.

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Nice surprise...an additional 2.0" on 0.18" w.e.

Grand total is 5.0" / 0.43" w.e.

30.4F with some light snizzle still falling. If we get anything more measurable it'll likely be just a tenth or 2.

Concord came in with 4.1 and there was a good bit more snow piling up north and west of Concord when I drove down through Concord at 4pm. I wish I was home, I might've ended up with close to 6, as I had almost 4 when I left.

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Finished up at 5" even here with a LE of 0.38". Not a bad ratio!

Looks nice out there this morning in the early light; trees are all whitened, the mud covered & frozen (for now) and a little return to winter.

I wouldn't call this snow wet here but it's certainly sticky. I can't wring any water out but it makes a great snowball. :snowman:

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Event totals: 5.3” Snow/0.51” L.E.

At 10:45 P.M. last night I was heading off to bed, but I did a quick check on the snowboard and found that the second round of snowfall had already matched the first by putting down another 2.4 inches. The rate of snowfall was certainly slowing down, but it looked like some streamers of moisture were still stretching into the area that could produce a little more accumulation:


We did pick up a bit of additional accumulation, and I found 2.9 inches of snow on the board this morning, with a 10.4 to 1 snow to water ratio, so it came in with essentially the exact same density as the first round.

Snowfall has now passed the total for March ’08 in this location (33.3”), and with the current 35.6”, this March is second behind March ’07 (40.2”) in the data I have recorded. For season totals, ’07-’08 was at 195.5” on this date, so the current seasonal snowfall for ’10-’11 sits a bit behind that.

I’ve added the north to south list of accumulations I’ve seen for the Vermont ski areas with this event:

Jay Peak: 6”

Burke: 5”

Smuggler’s Notch: 5”

Stowe: 8”

Bolton Valley: 8”

Mad River Glen: 5”

Sugarbush: 5”

Pico: 4”

Killington: 4”

Okemo: 5”

Bromley: 2”

Stratton: 4”

Mount Snow: 3”

With the discussion yesterday I thought we’d be seeing the more southern and central resorts with higher totals, but the Bolton-Stowe stretch seemed to get the most snow. Perhaps that was due to the second round of accumulation/upslope snows.

Some details from the 6:00 A.M. Waterbury observations are below:

New Snow: 2.9 inches

New Liquid: 0.28 inches

Snow/Water Ratio: 10.4

Snow Density: 9.7% H2O

Temperature: 32.9 F

Sky: Cloudy/Flurries

Snow at the stake: 22.5 inches

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You still have quite the snowpack up there.... :snowman:

Yeah, we hold snow pretty well around here. We live right on the eastern edge of a 'highland complex' that starts at about 1000' and goes up to over 3000' in the Orange Heights. Other than the peaks of the Orange Heights, it's not mountainous country but instead, hilly highlands. We're near the major watershed between the Champlain and Connecticut RIver drainages. Due to our easterly exposure with higher terrain to the west, we're sheltered from the warm southwesterlies and thus stay a little cooler a little longer during torches and yet also don't get downsloped like the coastal plain during westerlies. We're far enough northwest and high enough to benefit from NW upslope flow and southeast enough to benefit from coastal lows. We never jackpot from either but rarely get shutout. The snow just builds up all winter and becomes quite durable come this time of year.

The highlands of Orange County show up pretty well in this remote sensing snowdepth map. The little square roughly in the center of the map is me:


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Snow has tapered off, one more look at the snow board at 1,500ft revels almost 5" since 2pm yesterday! That gives us a storm total of 7" at 1,500ft.

Current snow depth at 1,500ft is now at 34"! Not bad to get back up to near 3 feet at 1,500ft.

I have pics of the snow board and snow stake I'll have to post later. It is a winter wonderland up here... snow caked to everything. After only 2" through yesterday afternoon, I never thought we'd end up with a solid 7-8". I'd be very curious to see a radar image from last night as I have no idea where this all came from.

Oh and the overnight snow puts us over 300" for seasonal snowfall above 3,000ft... 301" since November 1st to be exact, and that is not counting the 34" the Mansfield co-op recorded in October.

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Yeah, we hold snow pretty well around here. We live right on the eastern edge of a 'highland complex' that starts at about 1000' and goes up to over 3000' in the Orange Heights. Other than the peaks of the Orange Heights, it's not mountainous country but instead, hilly highlands. We're near the major watershed between the Champlain and Connecticut RIver drainages. Due to our easterly exposure with higher terrain to the west, we're sheltered from the warm southwesterlies and thus stay a little cooler a little longer during torches and yet also don't get downsloped like the coastal plain during westerlies. We're far enough northwest and high enough to benefit from NW upslope flow and southeast enough to benefit from coastal lows. We never jackpot from either but rarely get shutout. The snow just builds up all winter and becomes quite durable come this time of year.

The highlands of Orange County show up pretty well in this remote sensing snowdepth map. The little square roughly in the center of the map is me:

Thats great sound like you are in an ideal spot for winter weather and protected........ :thumbsup:

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Another 2.0" with 0.14" LE 9P-7A, for a total of 6.0" and 0.47" LE, almost 13:1. Snow is moist and packy, but also fairly light. Cleared vehicles with the broom, but once the stuff was moved one time, it did not like being moved again. 21" at the stake, and still some flakes descending at 7, but I'm not sure if any more accum was possible once the sun got far above the horizon.

Wish the other models would imitate gfs, whose sprawled-out portrayal of the next system gives 0.5-0.6" qpf to my area, all snow. Folks who know what they're looking at are pretty close to unanimous that gfs is out to lunch and that NNE gets little/nothing.

Edit, after Red's post: Looks like BGR was the bullseye. Next most I saw (on cocorahs) was 7.3" from Winterport.

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6.5" total for this event. Didn't think we get that much out of it. It didn't start until about 5PM here and we had under an inch when I went to bed around 9. Bangor is reporting 8" at the airport.

Few little flakes falling now but the sun is trying peek out.

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12z nam looks like its trying to wrap it up as well but looks a little late for us here, Looks like from the midcoast to DE Maine could see some enhanced precip which looks like it would be cold enough for mostly snow, We shall see....

Brian and i had mentioned yesterday afternoon early last night that a secondary development in the GOM was starting to take place, The nam had given your area and bangor .75" qpf so thats about right on the snowfall you received.

Found it from yesterday... :snowman:

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